The Rollason Center

Headquarters for RCMA, a provider of childcare and other services to low-income families throughout the State of Florida.

Immokalee, Florida

This building, probably the most representative of the process and involvement H and F practices in creating special, amazing places for people to live, work, and play. Designed and built in the early 2000’s, its design came out of the discussions and insight as to what RCMA wanted to put its face on the work that they do. As they worked and discussed the project with the RCMA staff, including Wendall Rollason, who was the philosophical and spiritual leader of RCMA since 1968, it became clear to them (and us),that the two things most important for their very visible headquarters were: 1. that kids were their passion and 2) the building should give something back to the community, especially in its location on Main Street in Immokalee. They did NOT want a cookie cutter “Dollar Store” box to represent them. They wanted a structure that inherently told the most casual observer that RCMA is about bigger things than profit, notoriety, or vanity. To that end, the Rollason Center is built around a playground for kids that all offices have a view to, and a 200-foot-long mural facing Main Street that depicts many aspects of the family life of the children and parents that RCMA serves.